Digitalisation, backed up with fiber optic technology, is one of the greatest advantages of modern transportation models. Our roads, air travel, rail, trams, sea, and even parking activities are now being automated, monitored, and optimised for better efficiency and better security. This technology is gaining popularity in terms of strategic research and development within this industry, Local Area Networks, and device connectivity. With modern digitalised technologies constantly upgraded, we are committed to building and delivering live fiber-based Ultrafast and Superfast networks, with additional security layers, reliable, and scalable.
We understand the need for these criteria within a good transportation model:
- Faster Information Access,
- Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) and GatorPatch,
- Better Network and Data Security,
- Signal Immunity,
- Access to the Police and other Security Agents,
- Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA),
- Durability,
- Immunity to EMI/RFI – electromagnetic interruption, external noise, etc.,
- Versatile Device Compatibility (VDC) – compatibility with NTSC, PAL, SECAM cameras,
- Higher Reliability with Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM),
- Optical Transport Networking (OTN) over WDM,
- Increased Transmission Distance and Signal Capacity,
- Space management and Compact Designs, etc.
Our target is to provide fiber optic broadband plans applicable in ITS, enhancing industrial networking for transportation, such as Traffic Monitoring, (surveillance, license plate identification, SCADA, etc); Parking Management (surveillance cameras, video amplifiers, etc); Traffic Signals (speed of traffic management applications; Automated License Plate Recognition (Scanners and Surveillance cameras); Transportation Wi-Fi Access Points (Wi-Fi facilities in trains, buses, bus stops, and transport halts, etc).
We understand the need for the prompt delivery of tasks, hence, our live GPON and PON models support all digitalised equipment used within the transportation sector. While planning and delivering our bespoke Gigabyte Passive Optical Network (GPON), Passive Optical Network (PON), WDM-PON (Wavelength Division Multiplexing – Passive Optical Network), PTP (Point to Point), and Fiber to the Premises (FTTP/FTTx), we take into consideration:
- Minimised business / operational disruptions,
- Adaptability to modern technology,
- Space savings (fewer cables, smaller cable trays),
- Network simplicity,
- Business Wi-Fi (B2B/B2C),
- SIP Trunking,
- VoIP,
- Office file / Server Storage,
- Managed services,
- Encrypted Communication Solutions,
- Easy Installation,
- Customised Solutions,
- Enhanced Security layers,
- Great customer experience,
- Unlimited Bandwidth,
- Realtime data connection, sharing, processing, analysis, with flexible and scalable IT infrastructure,
- Upgrades,
- Advanced cloud access,
- Upload/download speed,
- Seamless symmetric speed,
- Distance management (Long transmission distances),
- Reduced Cost (CAPEX and OPEX),
- Resistance to interference, and
- Minimal latency.
We will work with you to avoid excessive costs as well as implement our 24-hour and 7days a week maintenance policy. Start this process by contacting us today.
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