When it comes to entertainment and tourism, the need for effective communication cannot be overemphasised. Cable television companies have now embraced the use of fiber optics installation, to drive their advanced and versatile communications network solution. Quality is significant to all natures of entertainment, which is why deploying cost-saving yet high-quality models, is important. Nowadays, booking a holiday or making travel plans would not require a visit to the travel agent. This is one of the benefits of the internet in the tourism industry, doing business globally and not just locally.
With modern digitalised technologies constantly upgraded and deployed within this industry, we are committed to building and delivering live fiber-based Ultrafast and Superfast networks, with enhanced security layers, reliable, and scalable. When we build our bespoke network and provide associated services, our focus is to address some of the benefits of digitalisation within this industry, such as:
- Improved Signal quality and long-distance transmission, due to zero power loss,
- Suitability for high-speed transport of a high rate of data (HD, 3-D, and 4K/UHD),
- Multiplexing of multiple audios, control, intercom, RF, and video signals onto a single fiber strand or pair,
- Deployment of Fiber Optic Networks to Cable Television Systems, transmitting signals to multiple customer locations,
- The need for quality when using OB vans/ENG trucks,
- Essential cable essential protection from electrical interference and lightning,
- Compliance with local and International Safety Regulations,
- Efficient Logistics and Distribution Process,
- Energy conservation,
- Improved Operational Efficiency,
- The need to support a wide range of applications deployed/installed in the commercial real estate building especially Wi-Fi networks, in-building wireless (IBW) solutions, intelligent LED lighting and sensor networks, audio/visual equipment, security, and access control, and building automation systems.
- Manage real-time data connection, sharing, processing, analysis, with flexible and scalable IT infrastructure,
- Install equipment that could withstand harsh environments, such as electromagnetic interference, extreme temperatures, weather conditions, and hazardous locations,
- Manage electromagnetic noise,
- Reduce fractional weights and space,
- Flexibility in determining the locations of equipment rack rooms and control rooms, and maximising ROI.
We understand the need for the prompt delivery of tasks; hence, our live GPON and Passive Optical Network (PON) models support all digitalised equipment used within this sector. While planning and delivering our bespoke Gigabyte Passive Optical Network (GPON), Passive Optical Network (PON), WDM-PON (Wavelength Division Multiplexing – Passive Optical Network), PTP (Point to Point), and Fiber to the Premises (FTTP/FTTx), we take into consideration:
- Minimised business / operational disruptions,
- Adaptability to modern technology,
- Space savings (fewer cables, smaller cable trays),
- Network simplicity,
- Business Wi-Fi (B2B/B2C),
- SIP Trunking,
- VoIP,
- Office file / Server Storage,
- Managed services,
- Encrypted Communication Solutions,
- Easy Installation,
- Customised Solutions,
- Enhanced Security layers,
- Great customer experience,
- Unlimited Bandwidth,
- Realtime data connection, sharing, processing, analysis, with flexible and scalable IT infrastructure,
- Upgrades,
- Advanced cloud access,
- Upload/download speed,
- Seamless symmetric speed,
- Distance management (Long transmission distances),
- Reduced Cost (CAPEX and OPEX),
- Resistance to interference, and
- Minimal latency.
We will work with you to avoid excessive costs as well as implement our 24-hour and 7days a week maintenance policy. Start this process by contacting us today.
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