Energy generation, transmission, and distribution are constantly undergoing modern evolutionary transformations, to cope with the huge demands associated with the global population increase. At 3 Way Protocol Limited, we are committed to building and delivering live fiber-based Ultrafast and Superfast networks, which are secure, reliable, and scalable, hence supporting all digitalised aspects of these forms of energy sources:
- Renewable Energy Source
- Solar energy from the sun
- Wind energy
- Geothermal energy from the heat inside the earth
- Hydropower from flowing water
- Ocean energy is in the form of a wave, tidal, current energy, and ocean thermal energy.
- Biomass from plants
- Non-renewable Energy Source
- Petroleum
- Hydrocarbon gas liquids
- Natural gas
- Coal
- Nuclear energy
Technically, our live GPON and PON models will support all digitalised equipment used within this industry and address the following needs:
- Energy Data Management,
- Energy Conservation,
- Monitoring of solar PV panel temperatures,
- Optical link between fibers and FIMTs (Fiber in Metal Tube)– Single Layer FIMT, Polymer Layered FIMT, Universal Cable, Triple Stranded Tube, Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) in all hydroelectric power dams,
- Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) and Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS), commonly used to measure temperature, pressure, and strain,
- DTS installation in nuclear reactors,
- Use of special resistance fibers to decrease Radiation Induced Attenuation (RIA), within a nuclear reactor,
- Installation of Optical Power Ground Wire (OPGW), within a power distribution tower,
- Installation of All-Dielectric Self-Supporting (ADSS) fiber optic cable underneath power conductors,
- Manage real-time data connection, sharing, processing, analysis, with flexible and scalable IT infrastructure,
- Install equipment that could withstand harsh environments, such as electromagnetic interference, extreme temperatures, weather conditions, and hazardous locations
- Reduced fractional weights and space,
- Flexibility,
- Reduced error, improved quality, and efficiency, etc.
While planning and delivering our bespoke Gigabyte Passive Optical Network (GPON), Passive Optical Network (PON), WDM-PON (Wavelength Division Multiplexing – Passive Optical Network), PTP (Point to Point), and Fiber to the Premises (FTTP/FTTx), we take into consideration:
- Your target market and consumers,
- Minimised business disruptions,
- Adaptability to modern technology,
- Space savings (fewer cables, smaller cable trays),
- Network simplicity,
- Business Wi-Fi (B2B/B2C),
- SIP Trunking
- VoIP,
- Office file / Server Storage,
- Managed services,
- Encrypted Communication Solutions,
- Easy Installation,
- Customised Solutions,
- Security,
- Great customer experience,
- Unlimited Bandwidth,
- Upgrades,
- Advanced cloud access,
- Upload/download speed,
- Seamless symmetric speed,
- Distance management (Site to Site Networking),
- Reduced Cost (CAPEX and OPEX),
- Resistance to interference, and
- Minimal latency.
Take your business to the next level. We will work with your organisation to avoid excessive costs as well as implement our 24-hour and 7days a week maintenance policy.
Start this process by contacting us today.
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